Size unit conversion Weight, Length, Size and Content
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The following is a general unit of measure that can be converted to a variety of daily necessities are arranged in order from largest to smallest:
km = Kilo Meters
hm = hecto Meter
dam = Deka Meter
m = Meter
dm = Desi Meter
cm = centimeter
mm = Mili Meters
A. Conversion Unit Size Length
For unit length of the conversion from a level to one level below is multiplied by 10 while for the conversion of the upper level divided by the number 10. Example:
- 1 km is 10 hm
- 1 km equal to 1000 m
- 1 km equal to 100,000 cm
- 1 km equal to 1,000,000 mm
- 1 m equal to 0.1 dam
- 1 m equal to 0.001 km
- 1 m equal to 10 dm
- 1 m equal to 1000 mm
B. Unit Conversion Weight Size or Mass
For the unit of measure conversion weight similar to the size of the unit meters long but was changed to grams. For heavy forces did not have a square or a derivative grams grams per cubic meter. Examples:
- 1 kg equal to 10 hg
- 1 kg equal to 1000 g
- 1 kg equals 100,000 cg
- 1 kg equal to 1,000,000 mg
- 1 g equal to 0.1 dag
- 1 g equal to 0.001 kg
- 1 g equal to 10 dg
- 1 g equal to 1000 mg
C. Size Size Conversion Unit
Area unit of measure equal to the length, but in becoming one level below multiplied by 100. Similarly, an increase in one level above it divided by the number 100. Unit size is no longer meters wide, but square meters (m2 = m rank 2).
- 1 km2 with 100 hm2
- 1 km2 equal to 1,000,000 m2
- 1 km2 equal to 10,000,000,000 cm2
- 1 km2 equal to 1,000,000,000,000 mm2
- 1 m2 equal to 0.01 dam2
- 1 m2 equal to 0.000001 km2
- 1 m2 equal to 100 dm2
- 1 m2 equal to 1,000,000 mm2
D. Unit Conversion Size or Volume Contents
Area unit of measure equal to the length, but in becoming one level below multiplied by 1000. Similarly, an increase in one level above it divided by the number 1000. Unit size is no longer meters wide, but cubic meters (m3 = m, rank 3).
- 1 km3 equal to 1000 hm3
- 1 km3 equal to 1,000,000,000 m3
- 1 km3 equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000 cm3
- 1 km3 equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 MM3
- 1 m3 equals 0.001 dam3
- 1 m3 equals 0.000000001 km3
- 1 m3 equal to 1000 dm3
- 1 m3 equals 1,000,000,000 MM3
How to Calculate:
Suppose we want to convert units of length 12 km to the size of cm. So to change km to cm down 5 levels or multiplied by 100,000. So the result is equal to 12 km 1,200,000 cm. Similarly, other unit of measure. The point is we must look at the level of size and value of the multiplier or pembaginya changed every increase or decrease the level / level.
Other size units:
A. Unit Size Length
- 1 inch / inch / inc / inch = equal to = 25.4 mm
- 1 ft / ft / ft = same as = 12 inch = 0.3048 m
- 1 mile / mile = same as = 5280 feet = 1.6093 m
- 1 nautical mile = same as = 6080 feet = 1.852 km
1 micron = 0.000001 m
1 elo long time = 0.687 m
1 pal Java = 1506.943 m
1 pal sumatera = 1851.85 m
1 acre = 4840 yards2
1 Cicero = 12 punt
1 Cicero = 4.8108 mm
1 hectare = 2.471 acres
1 inch = 2.45 cm
B. Size Unit Size
- 1 ha / ha / hecto are = equal to = 10,000 m2
- 1 are = equal to = 1 dm2
- 1 km2 = equal to = 100 hectares
C. Unit Size Volume / Content
1 liter / liter = 1 dm3 = 0.001 m3
D. Unit Size Weight / Mass
- 1 hundred pounds / quintal = equal to = 100 kg
- 1 ton = equal to = 1.000 kg
- 1 kg = equal to = 10 ounces
- 1 kg = equal to = 2 pounds
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